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Dampware t1_j5vpe2h wrote

Just remember, sometimes it will be YOU who was wrong, even though you were certain enough to argue your position. It happens to everyone... And if it doesn't ever happen to you, you're not taking enough risks. Believing in yourself is important - even though sometimes you will be wrong. Go do what you believe in. Take risks, get rewards. And defeats.


Salt_MasterX t1_j5xpkcm wrote

It’s unfortunate when people see somebody saying β€œI was wrong about x” as some sort of character flaw.


PsychoEngineer t1_j5yhhq8 wrote

β€œ I always entertain the notion that I'm wrong, or that I'll have to revise my opinion. Most of the time that feels good; sometimes it really hurts and is embarrassing." - AB; words I try and live by