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t1_j6onqcf wrote

This isn't what I meant, but more like, what can I use to make wood shine, what can I use to remove water spots (I use a tissue or a sponge, but my mom says not to and then never says what to do), what to use to do the windows...

What you said is what I'm doing, but it's not enough. I can wash dishes, but I use "the wrong kind" of soap, you know what I mean ?


t1_j6ox82t wrote

You use dish soap to wash dishes (dawn is the main brand) , you use furniture polish (pledge is a common brand) to make wood shine

where are the water spots?

Im starting to think you are just trolling us


t1_j6oy47p wrote

There's 3 different dish soaps, honestly. I'm french too, so I guess I'll read the instructions even though my mother says not to because I should just guess.

I'm not trolling you, I'm genuiely that useless. :/


t1_j6oyrss wrote

I think a good place to start would be to read a lot of labels.

Look at the labels on the cleaners. Dish detergent for hand washing will say that's what it's for and the stuff for the dish WASHER will say that's what it's for. Sometimes the pictures on the labels will be a good clue.

Getting windows clean can be difficult, and how to deal with water spots would depend on what type of surface they're on.

If you're in the USA and you're over 18, and feel you're being held back, there are agencies for helping you gain more independence without interfering with your family a lot.


t1_j6p013d wrote

I'll do that, thank you for the answer.

As for the window thing, my mom does it with a chiffon and a spray bottle, and she does it perfectly. I've tried a lot of time, but I cannot get it as clean as my mom's method, and she gets angry at me when I do it and says she doesn't want to deal with my stupidity, so I've just stopped, you know what I mean ? They even get angry at me for splashing water when picking up a drink so.

I'll try seeing if there's something like those agencies in France, since that's where I live.