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Chris_ssj2 t1_j5j1aw5 wrote

I see, so the basic idea being that if something that you own has kept you going and will continue to do so, there is no point in upgrading it, just like that saying, the cheaper your pleasures are, the richer you will be

Thank you so much for taking the time to explain :)


RODAMI t1_j5jz43i wrote

Drive your car until it dies. Any maintenance is still cheaper than a new car payment.


Chris_ssj2 t1_j5k0zre wrote

But the more we delay the maintenance, the more fuel it will keep on guzzling though...


Dreshna t1_j5k8afy wrote

Yes and no. For most people that is the case. Sometimes the reliability is the more important thing. If you routinely have to make flights or drive through the areas that are inhospitable to life, a roadside breakdown can cost you more than a car.