Submitted by t3_10q9n5y in LifeProTips

It has been my first week at an Orielly store. Getting payed $12.50 plus possible commissions. I genuinely like the atmosphere and employees I work with. Clocked 44.27 hours this first week as I don’t have to use lunch break with the long downtime we have. I got a call from Walmart yesterday though offering $14 as a mid shift stocker. It’s about 8 minutes further than my 10 minute drive to orielly. I genuinely don’t know what to do. I believe Walmart has more benefits but who knows how the atmosphere will be. Im currently going to RCC(18yearsold) with no over the counter experience to back me up. Have always worked for cash.



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t1_j6oo1oe wrote

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t1_j6oohot wrote

I’m not American, and not 18 but if you genuinely like your job, don’t risk it for just a few more bucks


t1_j6oqpz4 wrote

Walmart sucks. They wont give you 40 hrs. Be lucky to get 30. Stay away. Oreilly sucks too, but at least you have the downtime, and learn useable skills and knoledge. Walmart is a zombie farm


t1_j6or917 wrote

You won't likely get 44 hrs at Walmart negating any per hour gains. And the commission if anything will be better than a couple of bucks.

Spend some time in one place, learn and then look for your next opportunity in a place you want not just the next option available.

I mean, do you really want to work at Walmart? If it's a dream of yours or you're in Arkansas with corporate growth then yeah jump.

Otherwise make a plan, work the orielys counter and then work the plan.


t1_j6os4fv wrote

Learn how to upsell to get more commissions.. selling and learning sales tactics, sales will net you more money in the long run. Face to face selling and getting good at that will be advantageous to future endeavors.


t1_j6os9b6 wrote

Check out Glassdoor, indeed and other jobs sites to compare the reviews from employees in your same position at each company so you can assess whether the bump in pay at Walmart comes with any drawbacks compared your current position at Oreilly. Things I would personally pay attention to our overall work, culture and job satisfaction amongst those in your same position and ranking, opportunity for promotions and pay, increases, and overall employee benefits that matter to you most. Higher pay definitely is a factor you should consider, especially when your hourly rate is under $15 an hour and the additional $1.50 an hour can be a meaningful difference in your overall paycheck (especially if you’re clocking overtime hours occasionally because that increase is $2.25 an hour more for any overtime hours). However, if O’Reilly moves employees up in pay quicker, or has a far better work environment or benefit system, it can be a moot point when you look at the bigger picture so it’s important to evaluate everything that matters to you. Another possible route, you could go which does carry some risk and depends on how valuable you and your position is to Oreilly currently, is to inform your direct supervisor that you have a formal offer from Walmart right now for $1.50/hour more than your current rate at Oreilly and in considering your options you wanted to explore whether Oreilly would consider matching or at least increasing your hourly rate to make the decision to stay put and decline the Walmart offer an easy one for you. I would be cautious in doing this because you don’t want it to come off like you were playing games and some employers do not have positive reactions to learning their employees are applying to other jobs. That said, i think you can mitigate the risks a lot if approach the conversation from a sincere and transparent place where you do not indicate that you’re actively applying for other jobs, but rather you suggest that this opportunity with Walmart fell into your lap and you wanted to have an honest conversation with your supervisor to entertain whether there are opportunities for you to get a comparable pay rate at Oreilly because you value your job and the team and ultimately have a strong interest in staying with company. Be professional, and characterize a conversation as simply explore your options so you can make the best decision for yourself, and for your potential future at Oreilly. I think, as long as you do not come off as giving Oreilly an ultimatum or as overstating your value to the company in a way that exudes arrogance, it is possible to open up the dialogue in a way that is productive for you and minimizes any risk. But every employer is different and it ultimately depends on how receptive your supervisor is to those kind of conversations so you will have to assess cautiously. Since you’ve only been at the store for a week, you are unlikely to have any ammo for this negotiation, so it may be a better idea to talk about the pay increase as some thing that you would be eligible for in the near future, and get an assessment of, what type of opportunities exist for you to continue to move up in the company and in pay. Lastly, with gas prices, right now, you may want to do a rough calculation to figure out the difference between the extra bump in your rate, versus the extra mileage you would be driving for your shifts because it may negate the increased rate entirely once you consider gas and wear/tear on your vehicle. Good luck and feel confident about whichever direction you choose, because having options on the table is a good sign and something to be proud of regardless.


OP t1_j6oufwo wrote

They give an hour too? That’s what I was told at orielly which was a disappointment but after actually working they said They’re cool if I use the break or go out fir 30min and come back. Gave me the option to just eat while no customers were around which I did this whole week.


t1_j6ov3ks wrote

In take home? If so then your averaging your time/income better then what walmarts gonna pay you with presumably no commissions at all. I could definately be wrong but ive never heard of a walmart employee getting commisions before.. if thats 600 take home then your almost if not on route to double your income from the one job. Good job!


t1_j6ov5gd wrote

Don’t go to Walmart. It isn’t worth your sanity for 1.50.


t1_j6ovvvp wrote

You don’t want to work at Walmart. You won’t learn anything there. At least with auto parts store you can learn about vehicles.


OP t1_j6ow3uo wrote

I would like to add I applied to Walmart way before orielly so I haven’t just wondered off looking for another job. Just happened to get that opportunity after going with orielly. But thanks a lot for your advice. I may also stay as the discounts I receive at orielly are awesome. Just the other day I bought some spark plug wires for $50 instead of $100 I would have payed as retail customer.


t1_j6p0evc wrote

I wouldn’t change jobs based on my experience with Walmart. It wasn’t terrible, but it just isn’t something I’d recommend.

When I worked Walmart (this was about 16-17 years ago, they promised 40 hours but there was always something that kept me from getting it. This is when I was making like $7/hour, so hours mattered a lot.

If I hit 30-35 hours, all the sudden they didn’t need me the rest of the week. Some weeks I’d work 35 some weeks I’d work mid 20’s. This was also back when Black Friday was a thing so I’d be schedules some days until 10pm and then need to be back in at 11:30pm for the next shift.

We were always short staffed. I’d be running paint, toys and sporting goods. We sold shotguns, rifles and ammo as well as hunting licenses, so I had to constant running (literally) between departments because I’d have to call a number associated with ATF for background check, fill out forms, explain to people why the shouldn’t point a loaded gun at me (this is Florida, people are dumb), clean up after kids in toys, as parents let kids use Walmart as a daycare, ride the kids bike around the store with said kids, mix paint, run to the front to handle the cash register when it’d get busy up front, handle the register in sporting goods.

The positive was that everyone I worked with were amazingly nice, including management. Each time someone pulled a gun on me, they always asked me to go home and relax (no one ever pulled a gun on me to threaten), but now that I think of it maybe management was sending them in to get me to short my hours? Again, it’s Florida, people are down here aren’t always the sharpest crayons in the shed.


t1_j6pdod3 wrote

I would stick with O’Reilly. You’ll have better hours than at Walmart, plus you will have a lot less stress and craziness around all the big retail holidays. To me that alone is worth the lower base pay.


t1_j6pgopx wrote

Well thats still good to hoan salesmanship unless you want to increase fuel vehicle maintenance wear and tear into a guranteed 14/hr... or benefit from the current place. Hoan salesmanship and keep looking for better opportunities. Its upnto you tho ultimately . 15grand / 600 youd have to do that nearly everyday to hit your mark . Imo work on salesmanship and look for better option would be where id lean. Take whatever bonuses you get and stash em away for items that will benefit you on improve yourself and skilset( invest into yourself, additional education, positive hobby, car ,cloths ) items that lead toward where you want to go with your life. Or a an emeergency funds etc.