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Hard-R-Smitty t1_j5d9fdf wrote

He’s saying you and 50 buddies with signs on the street corner for one or two afternoons doesn’t do shit


ThreepE0 t1_j5dacg3 wrote

However… it does.


[deleted] t1_j5damsn wrote



deethy t1_j5dh466 wrote

Demonstrating has long been unpopular but that doesn't make it ineffective. You definitely need a goal, it can't be aimless (like the Occupy movement). Either way, protest has historically been portrayed in a negative light (for obvious reasons) so if it makes people upset that's par for the course.


Insterstellar t1_j5dmvaq wrote

Occupy was pretty effective in changing public opinion. Before Occupy economic inequality wasn't widely acknowledged as a major issue, support for capitalism was far greater, and almost everyone thought they were middle class rather than thinking in terms of workers vs the 1%.