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j1mmyB3000 t1_j58iqp7 wrote

Pay attention to the road when driving and don’t expect everyone else to be doing the same.


Ginger_the_Dog t1_j58lyqq wrote

Yeah, yeah. This. Only, treat everyone like they’re on their phone and are about to drive into your lane. If you expect it, you won’t be surprised and will be ready.


djsizematters t1_j58ptif wrote

And if the light turns yellow, be ready for the car in front of you to stomp on the brakes like an idiot. Especially in the turn lanes, when everyone is looking sideways instead of where they're going.


Ginger_the_Dog t1_j58q87k wrote

Yeah. Idiots. All the other drivers are idiots and expect the worst.


audiopost t1_j59xtkm wrote

If you’re at a stop sign and the person in front of you is making a right make sure they fully make the right before proceeding forward. Sometimes the person ahead will make like they’re going, you’ll look down the road for oncoming traffic, push the gas only to find that car has stopped and not made the turn and you have now crashed into the back of them.

Source: was 16 and did this.


Ginger_the_Dog t1_j5a36mv wrote

That happened to me!! Only I was like, 30. Way too old for that mistake.


ZombiexXxHunter t1_j5aqogt wrote

I was told when I started driving treat everybody like they are idiots


MoreLikeZelDUH t1_j5aun4b wrote

Additionally, it doesn't matter how much you follow the rules or how good of a driver you are, somebody else out there is going to be a bad driver or not pay attention or SOMETHING and you have to be prepared to deal with that.

A specific example is when your light turns green, just because it's "your" turn, you should still look out for traffic from the sides, because somebody could have missed their red light and isn't gonna stop.