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Panasaurus t1_j60ik4w wrote

Nah m8, you're not a boomer, I'm close in age, you're just a main character in your own show. You're getting way too excited. You need to work on your replies. If someone says to you "whenever" you should already have "12 noon Monday, 9am wednesday, thursday at 2pm" or "whenever" you are available ready to go. How do you know the person isn't just trying to be polite and work around your schedule? I just expect people not to want to commit so when I get the whenever, I've already got my answer locked and loaded. Takes the frustration out. If someone ever tells me to stop by any time, unless it's family, I just wouldn't go because you know, I mean you know deep down, they're not trying to be pinned down with whatever it is you're selling. Time is money as they say, so why waste it on a "stop by any time", when you could be scheduling all the "whenever's"? Sales 101 m8, know the answer to all the questions, lead the customer to your desired result, profit?