Submitted by Hello_IM_FBI t3_10lyfdc in LifeProTips

I have found that my beard trimmings can stay in my drain when I just rinse them down. After taking my sink apart due to a clog, I found my hair mixed with all sorts of gunk. By putting a paper towel down, I trim, the hair falls on the towel, I wrap up the towel with my hair and toss it. Minimizes the amount of trimmings in my sink now.



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mytrickytrick t1_j5zrawg wrote

I put an empty little wastebin on the counter and trim my beard or hair so the hair falls into it. The bin doesn't get 100%, but it gets most.


Hello_IM_FBI OP t1_j5zsrq7 wrote

That makes even more sense. Saves a paper towel and goes right in the trash.


pacify-the-dead t1_j61mubu wrote

I trim my beard in my back yard.


tomjam91 t1_j630llk wrote

I trim my beard on an uninhabited island. Not getting hair trimmings on my immaculate lawn.


Cindexxx t1_j61xvwq wrote

I just do it standing in the middle of the living room and sweep it up. Floor's dirty anyways.


retarddouglas t1_j621qoz wrote

I do something like this but sometimes I just hug the trash can to my chest while I use the trimmers. Feels kinda gross but I do it right before I shower


spamjwood t1_j5zrwpt wrote

I toss a dirty t-shirt over the sink. Quick and simple and for me, a dirty t-shirt costs no money and is always available. If you need to you can just shake it off outside.


Frampfreemly t1_j5zsn7r wrote

That's better for the environment than wasting paper towels and encouraging everyone else to waste them


AftyOfTheUK t1_j61en0d wrote

I heard that if we don't stop using paper towels to trap beard shavings, we might run out by March!


lakehop t1_j5zx8dd wrote

Then the hair will go in the washer, which will be a lot more expensive to repair if the drain gets clogged.


spamjwood t1_j5zy86n wrote

If you're worried about that then you can shake it off outside like I said. Still free and still better than throwing away all of that paper towel. No clogs required.


CoffeemonsterNL t1_j5zsrnf wrote

Use a shaving apron that you fix with suction cups to the mirror when you are trimming your beard. Saves you a lot of paper towels. Such a shaving apron is really not expensive.


Hello_IM_FBI OP t1_j5zszsw wrote

I had no idea a thing like a shaving apron existed. The more you know, right?


YoungSerious t1_j609wvy wrote

Way less crucial if you use a daily razor and just shave stubble, but if you have a beard and use clippers then absolutely get an apron. Saves your drain and your general sink from all the hair shed.


MadJamJar t1_j5zx77c wrote

Dry facial hair, mini vac, no more hairs.


johntwoods t1_j5zsmmz wrote

I trim over the paper towel, and then I throw the towel away, then I remove the sink from the wall and put it in the bin. Then I take the bin outside and put it in a bigger bin.

No but seriously, this is good advice OP. When you own your own home and you have to deal with a plumbing yourself, you start to think about things like this.


UnkindPotato t1_j5zvzdh wrote

All of you are overthinking it. Just make sure your sink and counter are dry and just shave your face over the sink/counter and wipe the hair off when you're done

Hair isn't a pain to clean when it's dry


X0AN t1_j60fzh8 wrote

You don't have a lot of hair do you? 😂😂😂


darkphoenix83 t1_j5zt5f4 wrote

Also works just throw a t-shirt over the sink


Hello_IM_FBI OP t1_j5ztj8p wrote

That's what another person posted and makes sense. Just go outside and shake it out when you're done.


BreakfastBeerz t1_j60hqcz wrote

I just do it in the shower. If it's only a short trim, I just rinse it down the drain. The shower drain is much larger and designed to handle hair going down it. If it's a lot of hair, I just scoop what I can up with my hands and flush it down the toilet.


GRAPEDbyAnAngel t1_j612vx1 wrote

Came here to say this. I also like to shower after all trimmings/hair cuts!


Revenge_of_the_User t1_j6098ba wrote

I use a garbage bag and spread it in/over the sink flat (as in, one side is up and the other is down.)

Then i can pick it up by the corners and a shake or two above the garbage gets most of the hair. Fold it up so i open it the right way up next time and its golden.

Ill upgrade eventually by getting one of those plastic-barber-like-bibs and throwing some suction cups on one end. They stick to the mirror over the sink and the other side would tie around my neck making for less hair spread, and easier cleaning and use than a garbage bag.


Flight99lifted t1_j60cild wrote

I use a 13gl trash bag cover my sink helps a lot . . Helps keep Her from having to tell me about how many places in the bathroom. She found my trimmings .


SVCLIII t1_j60coxa wrote

meh, i just vacuum the sink.


cofclabman t1_j61b8ob wrote

I just shave in the garage with an electric razor and use the leaf blower to blow the hair out into the yard.


keepthetips t1_j5zpx7o wrote

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decrementsf t1_j5zvd3r wrote

Trim over the floor. Buy a cheap dust pan with a small broom or brush.

Problem with lining your sink is stray hairs go everywhere. Becomes a pain to dust them out of or around every surface. Hairs fall to the floor and you have to sweep that anyway. Now you have a liner to clean or discard. Simpler to go with the same option your hair cut stylist uses, let it go to the floor. Sweep it up. One and done.

Side mention to recommend discard in a waste bin. Hair can contribute to fatbergs in city sewers or clog up your home septic.


BranWafr t1_j5zxiad wrote

This is what I do. Stand back from the sink, all the hairs fall to the floor. When done I sweep it up and toss it in the trash can. It's literally the same thing they do at any barber shop or salon. I figure if it works for them, it will work for me.


cbessette t1_j6058xn wrote

I go outside in my yard with a hand mirror. Nothing to clean up.


CrassDemon t1_j60fgz3 wrote

I just duct taped a dust buster to my mach3, works like a charm.


Bitter-Heat-8767 t1_j60u17h wrote

I use a towel to put over the sink and faucet, then shake it off in the shower when I’m done.


baffledninja t1_j60vd9s wrote

Please have this talk with my husband lol. He flushes the hairs down the sink.


Splinterfight t1_j6120ux wrote

You can also get away with a few squares of toilet paper covering the drain hole. Then squash all the hair into a pile and put it in the bin. Uses less paper


Alarming-Cicada-6931 t1_j61k54k wrote

bonus points if you wet the sink a bit first, the moisture helps with cleanup without washing hair down the drain


Beautiful-Page3135 t1_j61kfpz wrote

That's cute. I use one of the dirty towels from the laundry basket and drape it over the whole vanity. When I'm done I shake it out into the backyard and toss the towel back into the laundry.


ibetu t1_j61s5nf wrote

Get a shower mirror and a waterproof shaver. Noobs.


Gotobedinstead t1_j625lng wrote

Gonna need to clean out your drain pretty regularly. Also, human hair can do a number on your plumbing.


ibetu t1_j626qaq wrote

I have an oxo hair catching screen over the drain. It's great!


Gotobedinstead t1_j6258jl wrote

Trim it out side. Or over a dry sink and wipe it out with 2 squares of toilet paper.


Sterling-Arch3r t1_j630h37 wrote

i use wet tp to clean the sink, throw it in the toilet afterwards.

also, a lot of that bathroom gunk is toothpaste crap, so spit that in the toilet too


Mecazor t1_j63cllx wrote

I spread a newspaper across the sink and all the hair falls on the paper. Fold the paper and into the bin.


lovepuppy31 t1_j64feq1 wrote

I'm assuming shaving my daily 5 o' clock shadow over the sink is ok since these a micro hairs?


Rite-in-Ritual t1_j64my30 wrote

This has been reposted so many times, I already know that a split open bag is better and can just be thrown away after