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t1_j6bzkgp wrote

Unless you're allergic, in which case you try and try and try all of these things, always wondering why your friends think you're a wimp for hating mosquito bites so much, but they give you welts for days and you're sick of it, man!

Then this won't work for you.


t1_j6c8jg7 wrote

Is it not normal for mosquito bites to swell up like a golf ball for a week and itch like crazy??


t1_j6cbdci wrote

You're allergic.

My bonus daughter used to play soccer, and she'd take allergy medicine beforehand to stave off such consequences from the inevitable mosquito bites.


t1_j6cmi5q wrote

Wait - what? That worked? Like, I could go camping with mosquitos and take allergy medicine and the bug bites might not swell up?


t1_j6cph72 wrote

They would still swell up, but not to abnormal size.


t1_j6d5vm3 wrote

Life changing - can't wait to put this in use next time I'm outside with those little critters! Thanks!


t1_j6fga7w wrote

Hope it works for you.

I don't go onto the wilderness much, so I rarely get bitten nowadays. The highest risk is at the air field where I skydive, but DEET roll-on or stick work great.


t1_j6cxwon wrote

What’s a bonus-daughter?


t1_j6czt2z wrote

A cute Nordic word for a stepdaughter. With all the European folk tales about mean stepmothers (mostly), the step- prefix has a slight negative connotation here. Bonus- is much more positive and better reflects our feelings.


t1_j6divfh wrote

Not normal. Not uncommon though either. Mosquitoes can bite me all they want and my skin doesn't react one bit. I'm lucky.


t1_j6cclow wrote

I'm allergic, and it's cumulative. The more bites I have, the worse the swellings. And to make it worse, in a group of people, I'll always get the most bites 😖

I've found nothing that makes it totally go away, but using heat as soon as I notice the bite helps a lot.


t1_j6cs2j1 wrote

Stop wearing so much perfume. And eat some garlic before spending time outside. They are targeting you because of how you smell inside and out.


t1_j6h0a3i wrote

Perfume I know about and don't wear it when going to nature. Actually I barely wear any in my daily life.

I did not know garlic could be useful like this, thanks! I will give it a shot. I normally eat it, but for sure not before most nature outings.


t1_j6cyqcs wrote

Yeah, I didn’t realize this was not everyone’s reaction until I was well into adulthood. I can literally not touch one at all, and before I know it, it looks like I scratched it til it bled…but I didn’t. (Welt with an opening in the middle, that scabs over) Growing up my parents always just accused me of scratching them too much and that I just needed to resist. Well, I tried that, and my skin still reacted that way. Very unfair.


t1_j6d6ft9 wrote

I'm allergic and often have to resort to taking antihistamines because it gets unbearable (especially if I have many bites, as someone else commented it seems to be cumulative somehow). But using hot water really helps relieve the itching, at least temporarily. I do it loads and it's a blessing.

So even if you're allergic I would suggest to try it, it could still help!