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jbautista13 t1_j61z9kp wrote

You’re an asshole. Who hurt you that you think someone who is asking you questions must be taking advantage of you…


[deleted] OP t1_j634m3q wrote

You're not winning any points.

Go look in the mirror. You're just as bad


AWildBenjiAppeared t1_j63qisp wrote

How come you're just insulting people that disagree with you lol? Just as bad my ass. He's right man. You're just an asshole. LPT: just be nice to people.


[deleted] OP t1_j63suk8 wrote

Disagreeing with me or being insulting and rude?

Don't let the tone of the content blind you from its delivery and the people who deliver it.

I think you failed. You could probably have been nicer in the response, but you weren't.

See, it's not easy being human. Goodbye.
