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frstyle34 t1_j6nk94v wrote

The problem is many times people can be contagious before they develop severe symptoms but yes, nausea and diarrhea. Good Lord keep that problem away from the general populace.


ntrrrmilf OP t1_j6nkomt wrote

In the last 24 hours I read about a dude taking his puking child to the movies and one about a birthday party when the siblings are all shitting all over the place. These people are whack.


NetLibrarian t1_j6nniy5 wrote

As a public librarian, I can tell you that it's more than once I have had a child tell me "I'm too sick to go to school, so mommy/daddy brought me here!"

I remember once having a kid come in, spend 3 hours playing around on a number of our public computers, then tell us that he has pinkeye on the way out the door.

You'd think people would know better. They don't.


[deleted] t1_j6nl5jb wrote



mwrddt t1_j6np702 wrote

Someone posted how you should write down things down in order to not forget them and it got thousands of up votes... This sub seems to be more about "obvious things that maybe you should pay more attention to" than it is about actual life pro tips.


ntrrrmilf OP t1_j6ockf8 wrote

Report my post then I truly DGAF.


mwrddt t1_j6of0du wrote

Why? If a post in a similar vein is getting as much votes as it does it clearly shows that this post also belongs here. I'm just telling the person that I replied to that this sub isn't exactly what the name suggests it to be. "Basic public guideline" pretty much says it all (and I agree that people should follow it better). The title of this sub is simply misleading.


flipback360 t1_j6o5k63 wrote

This made me think of how pretty much everywhere I have worked we only get 40hrs of paid sick time at work. 365 days in a year and only 40hrs of it can you be sick and get paid.Fucking hilarious!


ntrrrmilf OP t1_j6oero0 wrote

I got 12 hours and Covid immediately wiped it out.


Steve_the_Samurai t1_j6orsfj wrote

Not just if you sick. Also if your kids and sometimes spouse is sick as well. Those hours go fast.


r_acrimonger t1_j6nk671 wrote

Surely this post will change their mind.


PrisonerV t1_j6nkdfk wrote

Welcome to the USA. We care more about profits and war than health care. For about 9 months in 2020, businesses said if you're sick stay home. Now they want you to work regardless. And you can't get day care? Bring your sick little one.


SCViper t1_j6nwnkk wrote

Hell, even with daycare, they tell you to pick up your kid because they think your kid is sick. Lol


ntrrrmilf OP t1_j6nkwon wrote

Remember when people didn’t want you to get their colds or flus? I do.


PrisonerV t1_j6nlwgt wrote

50% of America is pay check to pay check with little to no sick leave so of course people work sick


ntrrrmilf OP t1_j6nmewl wrote

This isn’t about work, but my tip for that is to always say you have diarrhea so your boss won’t pester you about how sick you really are or expect you to see a doctor.


Albionflux t1_j6pdfzm wrote

I agree about taking them non essential places, but some people have no choice but to go to work and cant stay home with them


MissNatdah t1_j6opasf wrote

Use your 'sick child days' and keep those kids home when they are ill and infectious. Those days are yours for a reason.


keepthetips t1_j6ni7rs wrote

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cblguy82 t1_j6nos2u wrote

Just took our kid to the family practice a couple weeks back when she was sick, cough/congested low grade fever about 100 deg.

Friggin doctor was all like "I would have sent my kid to school like this. Things have changed since Covid" Like WTF??? This is not some rural backwater town but a well to do suburb..

I get not keeping kids out of school many days, getting germs to build immune system etc but I don't want to be the asshole who sends a coughing, snotting, feverish kid into a classroom of 30 kids and the teacher. That is a real dick move doing that.


AlternativeAardvark6 t1_j6nqj8f wrote

I keep mine at home if they have a fever. If it's just snot or a couch but they are fine otherwise are going. Little kids are snotting all over the place like 90% of the time, if I need to keep him home for that he wouldn't go to school at all.


flipback360 t1_j6o6ttt wrote

I remember being sick as a kid once and went to the doctors. I had a mild cold with mild symptoms except for my fever. I was getting laughed at because the nurses and doctor thought I was faking it all to get out of school up until one of them finally took my temperature after like half an hour of being there all miserable and then they shut up real quick and started taking me serious cause i had like a 101+ fever going on.

Never went back to that place again. It was a kaiser permanente is all I remember. In my experience just an isolated situation. Ive had kaiser most of my life besides the few years I strictly used miltary benefits and that was the only time and place where i had a bad experience at a kaiser.