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possiblynotthefbi t1_ja7pap8 wrote

I drive the same around any vehicle, lawfully, and with care. It's why I've only been in one accident as a passenger, never ad a driver, and zero tickets to my name. There is no extra care required if the other vehicle is also driving lawfully and carefully.

Semi truck and trailers, I have a different view entirely. I feel that they should have complete right-of-way in almost any circumstance given that they're the largest thing on the road. I don't think they should be allowed to ignore common laws, but the frequency of videos showing dashcam footage of some yahoo swerving in front of a semi and brake checking is too damn high. Those drivers can't stop on a dime and the smaller vehicles getting rear-ended win most of the cases where a dash cam is not in use. So my stance would be to make semi drivers no-fault entirely and that'll force people to be a little less gung-ho to mess with them.


Arobain t1_ja7pxvu wrote

But you are correct if everyone follows laws then everything should be good, unfortunately not all do


Arobain t1_ja7pvmn wrote

Such as semis can't stop on a dime safely, neither can motorcycles. Semi drivers made the choice to have that career just as cyclists have chosen to ride that bike