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garfield8625 t1_j8ng44q wrote

Hey, i was working in rotating shifts for several years meaning nights shifts after morning shifts vica versa..

What worked for Me are the following :

  • if you have - for example - your fist nigth shift on monday, then sleep 3-4 hours from monday noon after lunch till like 15:00-16:00
  • after the first night shift when you go home go to bed and sleep till like 2-3pm.

This way your new pattern can set in sooner in like 2-3 days. Also ... when you working night shift treat is like you working Afternoon shift.

So if you get up at 2-3 PM, then at 4pkm have your "breakfast" Something light. 8-9 PM which would be your lunch daytime have a hearty meal, then go to work. Át work around 4-5am have the "dinner" because in 2-3 hours you are going to be sleeping at home.

This worked for me while i was working servicedesk role night shifts for 5+ years.