Submitted by milkcowcafe t3_11d2mat in LifeProTips
Submitted by milkcowcafe t3_11d2mat in LifeProTips
yes but I'm in the US, and servers make about $2.15 per hour, they rely on tips. Give them a tip if you think the service is good, or don't. it's your choice. Just saying most servers get paid pretty low and rely on tips
If they don’t make minimum wage after tips for that day, their employer is legally obligated to pay them minimum wage, and very rarely do they ever make as little as minimum wage after tips.
You are absolutely correct. Servers should not be paid as little as $2.15/hour. Employers need to do better.
What the hell is this?
What jurisdiction does this law apply to?
You can do this if you seek out restaurants that do pay their staff they way you think they should. But otherwise, you know the deal when you walk in. You’re just violating the social compact and stealing without actually doing a single thing to change it.
LPT: if you can't afford to tip, you should not be dining out!
You can still dine out if you can afford to tip.
Thanks for qualifying my life pro tip.
They do this because they make well over minimum wage after tips. Nurses I know make more bartending on the side than they do as a full time ER nurse with a bachelors.
If you return to the restaurant with the same server, you might get a big surprise in your food...
Ever seen the movie Waiting? Similar thing.
It's a life pro tip.
That's terrible. Why would anyone go to the restaurant with workers who bad such bad attitude?
Clearly written by someone that's never worked in the industry. An even better solution is order takeout if you don't want to tip. Servers have to typically tip out to their support staff like busboys and bartenders. Not leaving a tip just means they pay out of their pocket.
Then ER nurses deserve more.
"The servers are giving you good service? Great! That's what you pay them for (in your tip)." There, I fixed it.
You know you’re taking up their time that could be spent on someone else who tips, right?
Employers should pay them for their time.
If you are a repeat customer you get shit service though. Just saying. This also happens if you tip low.
This, my friends, is a life amateur tip. Or a life bush league tip. Definitely not a life pro tip.
I thought employers are supposed to pay their employees?
While this may seem controversial to people living in USA, this is how it's supposed to be and this is how it is in the rest of the world. Employers should pay fair amount to their workers and people should only pay to restaurants for the food they ate. If they liked the food or the service, it's upto the customer to give tip. Why is it so difficult to grasp?
Nope, it's a shitty excuse to stiff the wait staff and blame the restaurant. Have fun saving a few bucks to fuck over someone else
LPT: be an asshole
If you dine in a restaurant and do not tip, you are only hurting the servers while supporting their bogus wage setup.
That's really unfair that servers have to tip out to other staff too. They really should take this issue up with their employer.
Employers should pay their employees a good wage so you can get good service too.
You're taking it out on the employees though. If you don't agree with what the employers are doing, don't eat there.
I guess some people think it's not the employer's responsibility to pay their employees properly or these people think it's acceptable for employers to take advantage of employees. It's one or the other.
Instead of shaming OP or anyone who believes this, maybe pressure employers and restaurant owners into giving out decent liveable wages for their employees?
That will then make tips into a sort of bonus money, not an absolute necessity.
Ever think about that?
No repercussions FOR YOU, maybe. The servers and their families will bear the repercussions of your decision.
Agreed. It's shitty for employers to stiff the wait staff by not paying them properly.
The bogus wage setup you are describing should be fixed.
Maybe there are no repercussions for you this time. But unless you plan on never returning to a place where you stiffed the wait staff, you're just asking for shitty service because I can guarantee they will remember you and they will tell the other staff that you don't tip.
Yes, employers should pay their waitstaff actual wages, but the reality is that they don't. By not tipping, you're affecting someone's ability make a living. That's shitty imo.
This is the worst LPT I've ever seen.
I always tip 30% at bars and I get excellent service and the bartenders tell the girls I’m hitting on that I’m a good guy. Tipping well has got me laid via social proof from tipping.
Tipping isn’t necessary but it benefits you in the long run
As someone who used to work for tips (server), we know you. I see you. There are always some people like you, and after awhile, you can usually spot them coming in the door. We still have to bring you food and drinks, but we don't have to be happy about it. That's why you always want to have good relations with the host/ess, because s/he's the one assigning tables... and a talented hostess can spot you a mile away. Especially since most patrons are repeat customers, we know some of you by name.
P.S. This type of behaviour along with its accompanying BS rationalizations was usually on full display one specific day of the week on the afternoon shift. And that day was Sunday.
Exactly. If workers aren't getting paid properly, don't work there.
no one’s arguing you there, but the fact of the matter is that your tips supplement their exploitation, it sucks and it should be difficult but its not. Not tipping them only helps you, which is why you dont tip, you might sorta care for the worker and think they should be paid more by their employer, but secretly you use this an an excuse to not tip
No, they think employers are in the right to underpay their employees.
You’re not wrong, but how does your LPT accomplish that?
I am all for employees to get paid more by their employers.
Lol someone was born yesterday.
Servers are taxed whether you tip or not.
You clearly have no idea how the service industry works
Don't go to restaurants then.
Except people say you should tip on takeout now too.
It's not difficult to grasp that that's how it should be. It just isn't realistic in the US because, well, our employment laws and minimum wage laws suck.
You think that because you aren’t paying tips, the service industry will suddenly go “omg we need to pay our workers a living wage!”. Absolutely not. The only person who suffers is the worker and their families who might not get to eat tonight or pay their rent because of people like you who have that mindset
Stockholm Syndrome.
Oh, you must be in the wrong sub. Try this one: r/UnethicalLifeProTips
If you get good service then you tip high. If you don’t, you tip the normal amount and move on. Why is that so hard to grasp?
I dare you to sit down before ordering anything and tell your server you don’t tip. Look them in the eye and tell them they don’t deserve to be able to pay their bills.
People with better offers do. People that don’t take what they can get.
If you feel so strongly about this, the only thing to do is to completely avoid establishments that don’t pay their workers fair wages without tips.
If you go to a standard US restaurant and pay money for the food but do not tip, you are supporting the employer whose practice you claim to oppose while harming the employees you claim to support.
I am not in the USA and I don't need to tell the server I don't tip. They already know that nobody will tip.
They pay their bills fine.
I’m pretty sure that you won’t create change by putting the burden of that change on the lowest paid and least powerful stakeholder.
Your life pro tip keeps more money in your pocket while sending a poorly paid person home with even less.
I agree that this needs to change. Exclusively go to restaurants that pay well and don’t allow tipping. Promote them on social media. Talk to the next political candidate that shows up at your door about whether your state or province has lower-than-minimum wage law exemptions for hospitality workers and ask if they will change it.
Life Pro Tip: don’t expect people who can barely afford a living to happily sacrifice more for your aspirations.
Everyone’s agreeing with you that servers are underpaid in terms of hourly wage and that they shouldn’t rely on tips. However, your execution causes more harm to the servers as an immediate action.
One thing is that according to US law, if an employee's tips combined with the employer's direct wages of at least $2.13 an hour do not equal the Federal minimum hourly wage, the employer must make up the difference. So instead of making more than minimum wage based on getting a lot of tips, they’re just making the minimum.
I understand the greater picture and that you’re hoping for change to occur for the employer, but the more realistic outcome is that they just get minimum wage, which in some states is less than 8 dollars. So this is a federal issue, not an employer issue.
EDIT: The best thing you can do is support businesses that actually pay a decent hourly wage plus allow tips for the employees and don’t give your business to everyone else. By eating at those restaurants but not tipping, you’re still supporting them and actively not supporting the servers. Reward the businesses that align with your views on wages.
Finally someone with logic.
Why do you let employers underpay you?
Ah, okay. Judging by your post history, you’re not in a great headspace. I hope you feel better and stop taking it out on innocent people trying to provide a necessary service and make a living. I promise, life is more fun if you’re kind <3
Maybe employees can stand up to their employers.
If you agree, then I would recommend deleting this post and making a new LPT about supporting businesses who pay their employees ethically. Because your post does not send that message.
That's terrible. Someone such as their employer should pay them better.
Not suddenly.
Thanks. That works too.
Are you fucking stupid or something?
It isn't per day though. It's per pay period.
You’d think, but that’s just not how it works. I’ve noticed service tends to be worse in places it’s not traditional to tip.. they make the same money regardless, why do anything above and beyond for you? Minimum effort makes the same money
Sounds like paying for sex with extra steps
>By not tipping, you're affecting someone's ability make a living.
It's the business owner that is affecting someone's ability to make a living by not paying them enough, not the tipper.
Tipping culture needs to die.
Lol sort of. Also, if you tip 0% in front of a girl look at their reaction. 👀
They either think you’re broke or selfish… neither help you get the girl 😬
I guess there's no way of fixing this system. Employers should keep pushing for low wages.
The business is paying them less than $3/hr, all of which gets eaten by taxes
You’re bragging about treating servers like your personal slaves and encouraging others to do the same.
Funny how you blame the business owners for not taking responsibility and yet won’t take any responsibility yourself judging by all of your comments
It won't. Employees embrace the idea of getting low pay from their employers.
Servers should take it up to the businesses paying them less than $3/hr, all of which gets eaten by taxes.
The ride keeps going until someone decides to get off.
This is vastly a US employer issue and unfortunately an adopted US culture that has just been accepted.
Is this a joke? There’s no logic in putting more economic pressure on powerless people in an effort to influence a system that oppresses them. Not tipping underpaid laborers does absolutely nothing to change policy. As others have said, instead, patronize establishments that are working to change the system, get involved politically, choose activism.
It needs to change, and I'll tip to help my fellow people out. I'll help put carts away, I'll shovel snow, I'll give people food. I'll tip but I'll also call owners out for not paying enough.
Guarantee OP has never worked in food and beverage or customer service, this is just a naive and ill informed post.
There are repercussions for being a dick though.
This is a horrible tip
Wow, you fixed the system! /s
You are really shortsighted and disconnected from reality if you think this is how it works.
OP isn’t even in the United States, and had no idea what they are talking about.
Focus on your mental health and not other countries service industry standards smh
The profit margin for a restaurant is typically pretty small. Any increase in pay they could give their employees is going to drastically impact the menu prices as the cost gets passed to the consumers. There's a reason so many restaurants go out of business within the first 5 years of opening. I'm certainly not arguing the system is the best, but the service industry is incredibly tough, and not tipping is just bad etiquette in countries where it is expected.
It was a big help during the pandemic lockdown for all the staff that suddenly didn't have indoor dining as an option for income. Now that dining restrictions are gone, I see it as incredibly unnecessary.
Sure… leave the server questioning whether they messed up or you’re just an a-hole. Servers live on tips. Starving innocent people won’t fix this system
LPT: Don't take advice on how to be a decent human being from a troll
Seems you’re the stupid one. Don’t go to places that don’t give people good wages. You get what you tolerate. Tough concept.
I openly use it as a reason not to tip. It certainly helps me, and I’m ok with it. My profession should be getting the most tips, but we don’t. So maybe that’s why easier for me to not tip others.
You got it bro. Where do you want the video to?
lmao at everyone crying about the servers not getting money. it's the employers job to pay them not ours. They are literally part of the problem by choosing to work at places like that.
They are not force to get a different job
Cant you say the same about the employee? If they work there, they are supporting wage set up. Restaurants would have to pay more if there weren’t enough people wanting to be servers
Oh no. OP the pitchforks are out.
I have a masters degree and still serve tables. If you want service cook and plate and present your own food at your own house goodbye
FYI good customer service don’t exist in countries outside of the US
geez man, fix ur life before u try to give out shitty tips. this aint even a tip it’s simply gibberish for assholes
You’ll lose friends you go out to eat with. If you’re trying to date, you’ll lose dates. You might not lose them all, but you’ll lose all the decent ones. You’ll get subpar food and service if you return.
And then there’s the fact that you’re harming your server without helping anything. But that’s not about you, so it sounds like you don’t care about it.
Asking other people to join you in not tipping so you feel less like a shitty person? how about if you can’t afford to tip a low waged worker then don’t eat outside at restaurants, simple as that. everyone dislikes the asshole who doesn’t tip, there’s no profound life tip here
What if I can afford to tip?
I'm outside the US right now and the service is excellent. No tips expected.
punishing the person that serves you makes you an asshole not a life pro.
I'm not the employer. I'm not the one punishing.
We never tip however, we're not in the USA or Canada.
What do you mean? I get excellent service when I eat at restaurants. Not every restaurant in the world is in the USA.
Maybe they like getting underpaid by employers.
You have logic.
I would pay higher prices at a restaurant so the restaurant can pay a better wage.
Are you supposed to tip at places where they just give you drinks like Starbucks? When they have a screen that lets you choose your tip on your $5 drink, I feel obligated but it seems weird given they usually just dispense something premade (at this boba place I just went to, etc.).
All right then.
Judging by your post history, you need to work on your mental health before worrying about others. Stop trying to give opinions on countries that you aren’t even in. Why do you care so much if it doesn’t affect you? This is not a life pro tip and is more of you just being a shitty human being and trying to change some system that you don’t understand
If you believe this, please touch grass lol. If they had to pay a livable wage the $15 burger you scarf down with your $7 beer would quickly turn into a $25 burger and $12 beer to make it affordable for the restaurant to pay all of their servers and bartenders a livable wage. Tip your servers and Bartenders 20% and stop being cheap.
I already pay $25 a burger and I'm willing to pay more.
If you feel strongly about this, it is on you to seek out restaurants where employees are paid decently. They do exist, even in the US and Canada, and it’s on you to figure that out or eat at home.
So you're selfish, why didn't you say that to begin with. No one would have wasted their time trying to get you to act like a decent human being if we knew that up front.
Yes, well you being a dick to underpaid servers won't help them get it.
If you really care about this, then you as a consumer should boycott all restaurants that don't pay a living wage instead of stiffing the lowest paid workers on the totem pole of their gratuity.
Put your money where your mouth is unless you want to sound like a hypocrite
Then stop telling us how to live
>I'll also call owners out for not paying enough.
No you have not and no you will not.
I call bullcrap.
But there isn’t even a standard within this adopted culture. One could say they always tip 20% no matter what but sometimes you might want to hook up your server with 35% because they absolutely killed it.
I also get where OP is coming from.
It’s true. There is no law that requires you to tip unless it’s part of the bill. In fact, nobody even tells you how much to tip let alone that you HAVE to tip before you leave. It’s a weird unspoken experience of having someone feel like they need to perform for you in some way in order to get more money from you.
It’s awful that there customers that will hold that tip over a servers head like they are their slave or jester while they visit the restaurant.
Studies show that the higher an hourly wage a server is paid, the less poor treatment they are willing to put up with.
So not only do we not pay these people that are literally serving us but they are more abused the less they get paid.
Tell me how that’s fair.
You’re exploiting.
But you’re not willing to tip to make up the difference?
I guess OP is a bad tipper in multiple ways…
Sure, take from the poorest and the weakest.
No repercussions from them.
Look I agree it’s a dick move from a certain perspective. But real question here, how will tipping culture change without owners not being able to hire servers because they know they won’t get tipped anymore, and the owners won’t pay them, so they look for a job elsewhere?
I tip. But I’d like to discuss this never ending cycle. if we keep tipping, and then owners won’t do shit about increasing wages because we’re paying it.
That’s not what you’d be saying though, or even implying lol
For real, how else would you recommend making restaurant owners pay a living wage, if their customers do it for them without question? Respond please.
LPT: don’t come to my country and be an asshole
No way. I wouldn't do that. Let employers do that.
They’re not going to do it anyways. Unless legislation is passed to do away with Server pay, service industries will always use tipping culture to to save money.
No matter how many people stop working these jobs, someone will always pick it up because we live in a world where desperate people will always need to take what they get right now before risking their lives to get what they actually need.
So you want a real fix for the problem? Organize and lobby to your local representatives
Not the employers?
I agree. But the move is to not eat at places that subsidize their employees earnings with tips.
You could say it. But you're talking about a person who probably needs income to survive. The power imbalance comes into play.
It’s not about being a decent human being.
Go give your teachers some tips.
Easy fix, don't go to restaurants that don't pay their staff well.
Or people could tip better.
If you can't afford to tip, you can't afford to eat out.
They need our help. They don’t have the time or resources to change that.
What do you think will realistically happen if a server tells their restaurant owner to raise that wage?
What if I can afford to tip?
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