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DeadMeadow_ t1_jad3rv5 wrote

I've had acne all my life. I eventually just got tired of thinking of what everyone thought. Once you let that go. Boy is it a nice freeing feeling. Like the first time you don't wesr make up to work And no one says anything and treats you the same exact way. It's lovely. You can do it. No matter how bad it is. This is about you. Not anyone else. You're beautiful


BelmontIncident t1_jad3w0b wrote

Base your confidence in something other than clear skin.

I look slightly worse when I have acne, but I don't suddenly stop being funny.


BritPlusTea t1_jad5req wrote

26 and still suffer with acne scarring, I eventually grew out of it when I realised I was the only one who cared about it


puppysilly_ t1_jad5sl2 wrote

The idea that it looks bad is completely made up. Don't worry about it


Acceptable_Parfait27 t1_jadioim wrote

Suddenly noticing that people I found beautiful for years also had larger pores made me stop caring about my large pores. The only one looking closely at your face, is you.


keepthetips t1_jad38lb wrote

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lostan t1_jad75q8 wrote

Just in case anyone suffering this hasn't tried this, stop eating dairy. I had acne from 13 to 24 and it turned out to be a kind of dairy allergy. it honesty cleared up in 2 weeks of stopping. Probably not the cause for everyone but maybe worth a try. Dairy isn't actually that great for you anyway.


Tiara2002 t1_jadd5g1 wrote

  1. Shocking therapy. If you do makeup, go out once completely without it. In most cases, you would see that people's reaction to you won't change. Because they don't care.

  2. Get a notebook and fill it with jokes about your acne. Don't mind if they're bad, you don't have to share them.

  3. If you don't actively work on treating it, start doing this. Knowing that you're trying will help you