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dubbzy104 t1_j9z9xvn wrote

How do you know whether that sound is bad and needs to be fixed, or something regular and normal?


Dirty_Old_Town t1_j9zbuuc wrote

If it's a new sound, it's not normal and needs to be addressed.


dubbzy104 t1_j9zco6a wrote

But if I’m listening to music, how do I do what’s normal


gnosis_carmot t1_j9zki0f wrote

Anything grinding or screeching is obviously bad.

A lot of other things it wouldn't hurt to ask a mechanic on. Good shops will be willing to listen and advise.


OGThakillerr t1_ja0q1ac wrote

"it never used to make that sound before" usually going hand-in-hand with "it tends to happen when I do X and Y"