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summoar t1_j9ysnuq wrote

It's not my job to run your business, power to the people.


Engelgrafik t1_j9yxb9t wrote

So we're not people? I own a picture framing business. I would give discounts to my fellow art community knowing how hard it is to sell art, and then word of mouth goes around about how great a deal my place is, and people would come in clearly looking for a great deal they heard about. When I look at the amount of discounts I've given away in the past 8 years, it's something like $150,000 or more... meanwhile I'm struggling and in debt, and I paid my employees more than I ever made. I rent, owe taxes, but I do this because I love it and am good at it. I've had to drop more of the discounts while at the same time costs have gone up (lumber is through the roof), so more and more people are upset that something that cost $200 in 2018 is now $270. Anyway, sorry if this sounds like I'm griping, but when you say "power to the people" it's very exclusionary, as if we're not people. In reality, I have given thousands of people extra cash in their pocket they can use elsewhere in the economy, and I've paid my employees much higher than minimum wage. I'm not some enemy.