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ThePogromist OP t1_jdvcdh2 wrote

Cultural and linguistic lessons with GPT-4:

A jargonism is a term or expression that is specific to a particular profession, field, or group of people. Jargon often consists of specialized language, abbreviations, or terms that can be difficult for people outside the group to understand. Jargon is typically used to facilitate communication among members of the same profession or field, as it allows them to convey complex ideas more efficiently. However, it can also be confusing or exclusionary to those not familiar with the specific jargon.
Words can have more than one meaning, both offensive and neutral, due to various factors such as cultural, historical, and linguistic contexts. Language is constantly evolving, and words may gain or lose meanings over time. Different meanings can arise from changes in society, the need for new expressions to describe new ideas or experiences, or the adoption of terms from other languages. This can result in a single word having multiple meanings, sometimes with different connotations depending on the context in which it is used.
The Russian term "погромист" (pogromist) is a good example of a word with multiple meanings. In general, a "погромист" is someone who participates in a pogrom, which is a violent riot aimed at the persecution or massacre of a particular ethnic or religious group, often motivated by hatred or prejudice. This meaning carries a strong negative connotation.
However, in Russian programming jargon, a "погромист" is a programmer who tends to write messy or unoptimized code, without proper documentation or structure, often leading to bugs or issues in the software. This meaning is more neutral and is used humorously or critically among programmers to describe a colleague whose coding practices are less than ideal.
It is important to recognize the context in which the word "погромист" is used to determine its meaning. In the historical context, the term refers to a participant in violent acts against a specific group, while in programming jargon, it refers to a programmer with poor coding practices. By understanding the context and the audience, you can avoid confusion and misinterpretation.


sEi_ t1_jdvi7f9 wrote

Try a search in any search engine for this: "Погромщик" or "ThePogromist" (OP's username).

You will not get any other definitions unless you specific ask for it by saying "jargon" or the like.

Why evade the fact that your username and you without reasonable doubt is glorifying the pogrom issue?

With a 5 day old reddit account, maybe ditch it and pick a more suitable name next time.

I mean no harm but your nick (still) worries me.

Btw. I can do GPT-4 too:

>The Russian word "погромщик" (pogromshchik) can be translated to English as "pogromist" or "rioter." It refers to someone who takes part in a pogrom, which is a violent attack or riot directed against a specific ethnic or religious group, often resulting in the destruction of property and the persecution or killing of individuals. Pogroms have historically been associated with the persecution of Jews in Eastern Europe, particularly in Russia and Ukraine.