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BrotherAmazing t1_jcdhklt wrote

All of these companies publish some things, they keep other things trade secrets, patent other things, and so on. Each decision is a business decision.

This thread is baffling to me because so many people seem to have this idea that, at one time, AI/ML or any tech companies were completely “open” and published everything of any value. This is nowhere close to reality.


justprotein t1_jceadxu wrote

No one said they were completely open, but there was a tradition of releasing papers, ideas, architectures, etc at least which really helped the field but now at risk because a set of people leveraged all this and wants people to regret being “open” with their research. I think Open in OpenAI is trolling


BrotherAmazing t1_jch3dkl wrote

I agree with your sentiment and have no problem with that.

There just seem to be more than one or two people here with the idea that Corporate entities have generally been publishing a higher % of their R&D than they actually ever did though. Some people (not saying you personally) seem to go farther and believe it is their duty to publish important IP and research.

I like them publishing and think it’s great, but just believe they never have a “duty” to do so if they don’t want to and have seen companies that “publish” behind the scenes hold a lot back too.