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Spiritual-Reply5896 t1_jckq519 wrote

Lets say Linux kernel manual is embedded as memories. If we can get accurate semantic representation of the question, then we should be able to find relevant context from the memory, and use enough context to answer the question in fewer tokens compared to providing the whole Linux manual as context. If we assume that computing the attention is as fast as vector search, then its a no-brainer that retrieving only relevant context from memory is better approach than using the whole manual. Its of course a trade off between accuracy and speed/scalability, but I argue its a good tradeoff as text isn't often that information dense.

The ability to produce semantically coherent embeddings from text is the grain and salt of LLM, so why would it be any bigger problem to retrieve these memories from external / infinite database than from context window?

Im just hypothesizing with my limited knowledge, please correct me if I make stupid assumptions :)