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Art10001 t1_jcnakzz wrote

There is a github project that uses embeddings with GPT-3.5 to create infinite memory, as long as you have infinite disk space. The database grows and grows the more you talk.


KerfuffleV2 t1_jcncad2 wrote

You'd have to link me what you're talking about for me to say anything. I doubt it works as straightforwardly as "infinite memory" though.


Art10001 t1_jcnv4kf wrote

There are other similar projects I found while trying to recover this one, which may also be of interest. You can find them by searching "chatgpt embeddings memory github"


KerfuffleV2 t1_jcp7qcz wrote

I'm not sure I fully understand it, but it seems like it's just basically adding context to the prompt it submits with requests. For obvious reasons, the prompt can only get so big. It also requires making requests to OpenAI's embedding API which isn't free: so it's both pushing in more tokens and making those extra requests.

I can definitely see how that approach could produce better results, but it's also not really unlimited memory. Note: I skimmed the source, but I'm not really a C++ person and I didn't actually set it up to use my OpenAI account via API.


127-0-0-1_1 t1_jcqd8se wrote

It's not unlimited memory in a single run, which remains unchanged, but that doesn't seem super relevant to what people want (nothing wrong with multiple runs!). Think about a turing machine, or heck, yourself. A turing machine only has access to a single cell of memory at at time, and in practice, modern CPUs only have access to their registers directly. For long term storage, that goes into RAM, which is accessed on demand.

Similarly, your own memory is not large enough to contain all the information you'd need to complete most complex tasks. That's why you have to write things down and actively try to remember things.

While that uses OpenAI's embedding networks, like the autoregressive LLM itself, it's not like OpenAI has a monopoly on text embeddings by any means (far from it - embeddings have a very straightforward business use and are used in practically any major site you know for things like similarity queries).

While I think OP is overhyping the degree to which this is "infinite memory" yet, in a hypothetical turing machine formulation where the network can more proactively store and restore memory, it would allow for it to be, at least, turing complete.


Spiritual-Reply5896 t1_jcsq4d9 wrote

Exactly, I wanted to find out whether there is some research regarding these embeddings. I really think that by efficient pruning/organization of these "memories" its possible to generate quite advanced memory. Things like embedding consistency then becomes a big player - how much does length affect the embedding, what is the optimal information content vs string size...


hfnuser0000 t1_jcnspad wrote

Hi there! It sounds really interesting! Could you please share the name of the project or provide a link to it? I would love to check it out. Thank you!