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muskoxnotverydirty t1_jds07qr wrote

Reply to comment by nixed9 in [D] GPT4 and coding problems by enryu42

Eh, I must've misunderstood the paper. It sounded like they were asking GPT4 to create unit tests, execute the code, and then update its answer based on the results of those unit tests.


farmingvillein t1_jdsm0hw wrote

No, you didn't misunderstand it--your understanding is correct. OP is giving an answer that is similar to part of the Reflexion paper, but not the entirety.


yaosio t1_jdtenqi wrote

What's it called if you have it self-reflect on non-code it's written? For example, have it write a story, and then tell it to critique and fix problems in the story. Can the methods from the paper also be used for non-code uses? It would be interesting to see how much it's writing quality can improve using applicable methods.