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robbsc t1_it7zqsh wrote

One of the main reasons to use a ROC curve is for imbalanced (usually binary) datasets. A more intuitive way to look at FPR is FP/N. The curve tells you the fraction of false positives you are going to pass through for any given TPR (recall, sensitivity). If the fpr you care about is tiny, you can focus on the left side of the curve and ignore the right side.

It's also useful to sample the roc curve at recalls you care about. e.g., how many false positives am i passing through for a TPR of 95%?

Lastly, in my experience, AUC correlates highly with an improved model because most of the right side of the curve doesn't tend to change much and sits close to 1 in situations where you're just trying to improve the left side of the curve. If it doesn't, then you probably just need to change the number of thresholds you're sampling when computing auc.

Whether to use roc or precision-recall depends more on the type of problem you're working on. Obviously precision-recall is better for information retrieval, because you care about what fraction of the information retrieved at a given threshold is useful. Roc is better if you care highly about the raw number of false positives you're letting through.


hostilereplicator t1_it85f0v wrote

If you use precision, you also implicitly assume the data you're measuring on has the same positive:negative ratio as data you expect to see in the future (assuming you're going to deploy your model, rather than just doing retrospective analysis). FPR and TPR don't have this issue, so you can construct a test dataset with sufficiently large numbers of bot positives and negatives to get reliable measurements without worrying about the class imbalance.


robbsc t1_it87etm wrote

Good point. The only valid criticism of roc curves that i can think of is that you can't always visually compare 2 full ROC curves without "zooming in" to the part you care about.