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ProfessionalShame900 t1_iy4nuj9 wrote

I am new to ML. I am doing research on clustering high-dimensional space. I have the following challenges, I am wondering if you can enlight me with some pointers (pun intended) and resources

And there are conditional cases in the theory to group that parameter i.e. (if a>0 and b>1 then in cluster 1). how do add those in the cluster algo? Can vectorization work?

How to visualize the cluster in high-dimensional space?

There are parameters that only vary in a small range (say 0.9 to 1.5) and have some large anomaly cases (with over 40). Should I add a function to make to exaggerate the variation and do a log to make a large anomaly? But will that create artificial clusters?


C0hentheBarbarian t1_iy73sx4 wrote

> How to visualize the cluster in high-dimensional space?

t-SNE could work for this