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chaosmosis t1_ixhcvxy wrote

Title's a little misleading. Initially I thought the claim was that the best ideas Lecun's had all came from Schmidhuber. Instead, the claim is that the best ideas anyone's had, as listed by Lecun, all came from Schmidhuber.

Amusingly, that's actually a more arrogant claim, but it's less personal and I don't think the tweet's "striking back" against Lecun.


ReginaldIII t1_ixhg0a6 wrote

Title isn't even misleading.

And given that the content behind the title is the length of a tweet, is it not reasonable for a person to actually just read the tweet to get the full content?

How is it a "more" arrogant claim? LeCun of his own fruition identified the most important works, and they align with works that Schmidhuber's group has put out in that time frame. That is a matter of fact, not opinion. Those peer reviewed and published works exist.


chaosmosis t1_ixhl90r wrote

"My ideas are the best in {Big Set}" versus "My ideas are the best in {Bigger Set}".


Beor_The_Old t1_ixkef7g wrote

It’s a smaller set since it’s just 5 ideas, he didn’t make LeCunn list those specific ideas.