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trutheality t1_iy953rr wrote

It's "good" for visualization in the sense that it can give you something to look at, but it's not really good for visualization. You can't even guarantee that the nearest neighbor of a point in the projection is its nearest neighbor in the input space.

This paper demonstrates that you can make the output look like anything you want and still minimize the UMAP/tSNE objectives:


resented_ape t1_iybprpj wrote

FWIW, I don't think that is what the paper demonstrates. The Picasso method the authors introduce uses a totally different cost function based on distance reconstruction. For a specific set of metrics the authors are interested in, they say that Picasso produces results comparable with UMAP and t-SNE. But it's not the UMAP or t-SNE objective.

With the scRNAseq dataset in the python notebook at the github page for picasso, I found that for the metrics one might usually be interested in with UMAP and t-SNE, e.g. neighborhood preservation (what proportion of the k-nearest neighbors in the input and output space are preserved) or Spearman rank correlation (or triplet ordering preservation) of input vs output distances, Picasso did (quite a bit) worse than UMAP and t-SNE.

This might not be relevant to for downstream scRNAseq workflows -- I will take the authors' word on that. At any rate, on my machine Picasso runs very slowly, and I found its own output to be visually unsatisfactory with the default settings with other datasets that I tried it with (e.g. MNIST), so I have been unable to generate a similar analysis for a wide range of datasets. So take that for what it's worth.