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katprop t1_iz28tqp wrote

I watched his neurips presentation. While I love explorations of alternatives to back prop, does anyone else feel like he’s going a bit off the deep end with saying this paper could explain why people sleep and we’ll use non-binary computers in the future?


gambs t1_iz406vc wrote

Hinton has figured out how the brain works every year since the mid-80s, let the man cook


gunshoes t1_iz2cili wrote

These OG guys from the PDP days usually do that. I just take it as a bit of garnish for some fun hypotheticals.


Direct_Ad_7772 t1_iz4gg0e wrote

I think trying to understand the mind must be in one of his main motivations. If it wasn't for that, he would have not contributed to machine learning to begin with. So going off the deep end is a side effect of whatever it is that made him a great researcher.


ReginaldIII t1_iz4ries wrote

Do you have access to the video of his presentation still?

It bothers me greatly that they paywall their presentations even after the conference has ended.

By all means have exclusivity for the duration of the actual conference, and limit commenting and discussion to conference attendees. But as soon as the conference ends they should flip the switch and make everything public. There's literally no reason not to, it isn't going to stop people wanting to attend.


logicbloke_ t1_iz5x64f wrote

This 10x, I wish the paper presentations and keynotes were made available online. It doesn't add much effort to record an audio + slides of the presentation.

Doesn't take anything away from the in person conference, which is more about networking and discussion.


suedepaid t1_izco494 wrote

I was also frustrated about that, but I went on the website and it looks like they're gonna publish them all in a couple weeks. Still a bit frustrated at the delay, but it's a bit understandable.


The_Real_RM t1_iz41rkd wrote

What's funny is that a few decades from now the only relevant brains in the world will be the ones this guy brought to existence. It's just a self fulfilling prophecy


ktpr t1_iz2eya1 wrote

If he mentioned those extrapolations in a psychology or neuroscience conference he would be laughed out of the room. World class expertise in one area does not translate to informed speculation in another.


Nameless1995 t1_iz2j0ja wrote

Incidentally, Hinton has a lot of professional experience in psychology/cognitive science:

> Jan 76 - Sept 78 Research Fellow Cognitive Studies Program, Sussex University, England Oct 78 - Sept 80 Visiting Scholar Program in Cognitive Science, University of California, San Diego Oct 80 - Sept 82 Scientific Officer MRC Applied Psychology Unit, Cambridge, England Jan 82 - June 82 Visiting Assistant Professor Psychology Department, University of California, San Diego


ktpr t1_iz2te98 wrote

Impressive. Also the latest multiple month appointment was nearly 40 years ago. Boulder of salt here.


uotsca t1_iz2vg3b wrote

Hinton was educated at King's College, Cambridge, graduating in 1970 with a Bachelor of Arts in experimental psychology.


kebabmybob t1_iz3n3gc wrote

Cog sci stuff is all sophistry of this exact flavor. With respect to neuroscience you might be right.