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Nameless1995 t1_izgd34j wrote

I think I was using it in the wrong way by giving specific titles. Using keywords provides a more interesting results. It looks nice but not sure where I would stand with it. For example I tried "attention" (perhaps too broad of a search term), and only a few papers (even Transformers is missing). Should there have been a paging mechanism? Also sorting doesn't seem to be working either (sorting by date didn't change anything).


Cyalas OP t1_izgikyg wrote

As I explain in the medium article, it's mainly Tf Idf that is used. I've used language models but it was a bit slow to process. The code is available if you want to take a peek :) But I'll see what I can do!

Sorting by date would not change anything if the initial results are already sorted.


Nameless1995 t1_izgkbq7 wrote

I don't think it was sorted IIRC but may be I missed something. Also is there a way to sort in both ascending/descending directions?


Cyalas OP t1_izgp27h wrote

I'm afraid there is not. I thought people are generally interested into the most recent papers