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OP t1_j01zhl7 wrote

Thanks so much for your response!

This makes sense. Are you aware of any techniques that can be used to make these probabilities comparable?

I understand that the outputs shouldn't necessarily be treated as probabilities. I simply want a relative ordering of the pixels in terms of "likelihood."


t1_j023qfb wrote

You could reformulate your problem to output 4 channels: "only disease A", "only disease B", "both disease A and disease B" and "no disease". This way a softmax can be applied to to these outputs, their probabilities summing to 1.

[EDIT] corrected number of classes


OP t1_j024u31 wrote

Thanks for your response -- This is an interesting idea! Unfortunately, I am actually training my network to predict 1000+ classes, for which such an idea would be computationally intractable...


t1_j029y2r wrote

Ah, yes it doesn't really make sense for more than a couple of classes. So if you can't make your problem multi-class, have you tried any probability calibration on the model outputs? This should make them "more comparable", I think this is the best you can do with a deep learning model.

But why do you want to rank the outputs per pixel? Wouldn't some per-image aggregate over the channels make more sense?


OP t1_j02owfb wrote

Thanks so much for your response! Are you aware of any calibration methods I could try? Preferably ones which won't take long to implement / incorporate :P


t1_j031wsx wrote

Perhaps scikit-learn's "Probability calibration" section would be a good place to start. Good luck!


t1_j02p3jr wrote

> won't to long


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t1_j023o61 wrote



OP t1_j02675d wrote

I'm not sure I understand. Are you suggesting I normalize each pixel in each NxN label-map to be mean 0 and std of 1? And then use this normalized label-map during training?


t1_j02eijz wrote

Never mind my previous comment.

You could normalize both channels, ie for label 1, normalize the NxN tensor pixel, same for label 2.