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regalalgorithm t1_j0tie0w wrote

What you are seeing is the explore tab, which is all of Mastodon, not just Sigmoid Social content is over at the local timeline. There is some chatter about it on there too, but it's not really the main thing, here are some examples of recent posts:

>i was so sleepy i ended up falling asleep after extra time and I was so confused when I woke up and each side had an additional goal and France lost the world cup

>Fourier Sensitivity and Regularization of Computer Vision Models

>Some like to think that we're a trillion data points away from general artificial intelligence. Some like to think that we're some hundreds or thousands of algorithms away. I like to think that we're only several truly profound insights away. But these aren't mutually exclusive.

>The primary reason we don't yet see current AI as sentient is because there is no "goal" module. Once AI is infused with something that makes it "want", then it will appear very sentient to us.

Also, a TON of people migrated to Mastodon today due to Twitter drama, so it makes sense there is a lot of discussion about it.


MardiFoufs t1_j0u5631 wrote

Ahhh ok now that makes sense!! I'll stick to the local posts!


mileseverett t1_j0w217a wrote

There is a tonne of garbage posts on the local section, as well as out of order threads. While I hate how twitter is going, Mastadon is garbage imo


IDe- t1_j0wgjqo wrote

If you search it with hashtags you'll get a lot more relevant/topical posts (e.g. The local timeline may be full of ML people, but not everything ML people post is about ML. If you want a curated feed you'll have to create that yourself just like on any other SNS.


regalalgorithm t1_j0ww7iy wrote

The way Mastodon does threads is kind of annoying yeah. But Twitter is way buggier than Mastodon. And if you think ML/AI Twitter didn't post "garbage" on Twitter, I have some news for you... It's an inclusive server, anyone interested in AI can join and we don't force anyone to only post about AI.