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__lawless t1_j0ymvpl wrote

There are some methods that are matrix factorization free like sequential recombination models


Awekonti OP t1_j0yroqs wrote

But most of the papers focus on Collaborative Filtering -> MF. My assumption is that this approach has are potential? Please tell whether this is a right assumption.


__lawless t1_j0yuzij wrote

It really depends on the problem/situation. Of course MF is very powerful and interpretable despite being very simple. But for my job we did not have success with it, on the other hand we had great success with transformer based sequential recommendation models. Another method you want to look into is GNN. We did not invest it in because it is harder (not impossible) to scale. For example look into pinsage


Awekonti OP t1_j0z1ads wrote

Yes, I will also take a look at GNN and Diffusion models based. Thank you)