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A1-Delta t1_j1ao5gn wrote

Would be great if you’d just let it show me results in browser. I’m not going to supply my email address no matter how many times you pinky promise it wont end up in a marketer’s hands.


Steven_Johnson34 OP t1_j1dv8xk wrote

Completely understand. I knew that could be a concern when I was building it out. Process wise, it was not possible for me to show the results in the browser or else I would have done so based on API capabilities. We are going to try and use this as a jump off point to expand the API to be able to send statuses back on a webhook.


Lajamerr_Mittesdine t1_j1fuu1j wrote

It's 2022. Everyone should be having their own email address dumps with their domain name.

For example with Google Domains you can easily spin up 100 email addresses forwarded to your main mailbox no extra charge. Comes with your yearly domain renewal.

I create emails for each service I use. , ,

I can just create an email called

And if it ever gets to spammy you can just delete that email from the list and it won't get forwarded to your main inbox