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t1_j2ark9g wrote

what does EA stand for?


t1_j2cql0a wrote

Effective Altruism


t1_j2efp3r wrote

How does a philosophical ideology of "using evidence-based reasoning to help others" result in a machine learning cult?


t1_j2ek25d wrote

I, personally, don't consider LessWrong a cult (I lurk the blog, and have even been to an ACX meetup). There's definitely a very insular core community, though, which regularly gets caught up in "cults of personality". Yudkowski is the most obvious person to point to here, but Leverage Research is the best example of cult behaviour coming out of LessWrong and the EA community IMO.

With regards to machine learning in particular, there's some very extreme views about the mid/long term prospects of AI. Yudkowski himself explicitly believes humanity is doomed, and AI will takeover the world within our lifetimes.