Submitted by Avelina9X t3_109yuvi in MachineLearning

I'm a machine learning PhD student and I'm doing research on LMs and how to reduce their memory footprint.

One idea I've been toying with is Vector Quantized LMs. I'm not talking about VQ as a technique to speed up compute using int8 activations etc etc, but by using a codebook.

The idea is based on an uni-directional RNN that reconstructs the source sequence after quantization. Unlike MLM where the corruption is based on masking and replacing tokens we instead quantize the token vectors and try to the predict the original token based on the quantized version of the token and the unquantized short/long term memory states produced at the previous timestep.

The reason I'm interested in such a convoluted idea is to effectively create a metric to measure entropy of tokens in sequence; if the VQ-LM can reconstruct the correct token with high likelihood then that token is unimportant, but if the VQ-LM fails to predict a token it is likely that this token is of great importance because it is a rare word and this carries higher entropy in the sequence. And the motivation behind wanting to learn to measure such a phenomenon is so we can use this to guide the memory of a transformer: models like the Transformer-XL operate on longer sequences by keeping memory around for keys and values, and the Compressive Transformer takes it a step further by compressing older tokens... Well... what if we used the reconstruction loss from the VQ-LM along with an 'age' metric to guide the memory bank of such a transformer architecture, discarding easily predicted tokens early while keeping higher entropy tokens around for longer?

Has anyone considered such a system before? If done a lot of searching and I've come up blank so far.



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gunshoes t1_j42zyap wrote

Sounds like HuBERT and other MLMs used for ASR pretraining. Look for seq2seq work in the world of TTS and ASR.


C0hentheBarbarian t1_j468jz4 wrote

Its pretty old in the context of Deep Learning but openAI Jukebox uses them for audio if I remember correctly.


Avelina9X OP t1_j4vn6su wrote

Ahhhh! So it seems like this is something that's been explored in the slightly parallel domain of TTS and ASR rather than in pure text LMs, thanks for pointing me in this direction!


dojoteef t1_j4vnho4 wrote

Note that the authors have an earlier paper introducing discrete latents for NLP and there are a number of follow up papers to this one as well. So if your interested in a deep dive, you should investigate the citation graph of this paper. Good luck!