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IntelArtiGen t1_j55at5j wrote

I don't really see how and why they would do it. What's the video? You can check the codec they used with right click > "stats for nerds", the codec should say which algorithm they used to encode/decode the video. Using CNNs client-side for this task would probably be quite cpu/gpu intensive and I doubt they would do it (except perhaps if it's an experiment). And using CNNs server-side wouldn't make sense if it increases the size of data download.

It does look like CNN artifacts.


Avelina9X OP t1_j55h54h wrote

I think it's clientside. Which is why I mentioned perhaps its using a GLSL based CNN which is absolutely possible in WebGL2 and I've been experimenting with that sort of tech myself (not for upscaling, but just as a proof of concept CNN in WebGL).


aidv t1_j57r35e wrote

Then check the JS source code