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SilentHaawk t1_j5abu8l wrote

looks interesting, and I might be able to use this for something. I have some data where i know the pattern is generated by some relatively simple rules + some that isnt, but it is difficult to just see the pattern, and I havent found a way to use machine learning to learn it. But it could be that TMs could solve it.

Also, have you done any work on unsupervised learning?


olegranmo OP t1_j5ad5x8 wrote

While the autoencoder can be used for self-supervised learning: Sounds like you are working on an interesting problem!


SilentHaawk t1_j5ag6gq wrote

Thank you for the response. It could be, i havent been able to fully flesh out the idea or which problem exactly that I am trying to solve yet. But I do see a potential application/service i could make for our customers if I solve it.