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Delicious-View-8688 t1_j60s6lt wrote

git for versioning code

dvc for versioning data (and other ML things)

mlflow for managing ml pipelines (overlaps with some parts of dvc)

conda for environment management (yes, it can be slow...)


ikkeweer t1_j60ych9 wrote

Try mamba if you struggle with conda being slow, its a drop in replacement.


Delicious-View-8688 t1_j60ykt5 wrote

Yes, it's true. I have not tried using mamba with mlflow - maybe it integrates, maybe it doesn't. MLflow docs at the time of my reading indicated it works with conda or docker only.


angkhandelwal749 OP t1_j62uk80 wrote

Is there no platform which does it all? Would WandB cut it?