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RingoCatKeeper t1_j70tokb wrote

Maybe you can take a look at ScanNN


mostlyhydrogen OP t1_j724ctr wrote

That was an interesting read, but I don't think it solves my problem. Their examples don't show joint vector searches:


RingoCatKeeper t1_j79vmlw wrote

See the section "ScaNN interface features", you will find that you could search queries with batch, may this similar with your problem?


mostlyhydrogen OP t1_j7fxwyx wrote

>ScaNN interface features

Nope. Notice that the results have shape (10000, 20) instead of (20,). That is just doing a batched query i.e. "for each of these 10k input vectors, find me 20 neighbors". What I need is a joint query, i.e. "given these 10k positive examples, give me an additional 20 candidate samples".