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PinusPinea t1_j713h2k wrote

Bayesian statistics is a set of fundamental principles, and will not be out of date in 5-10 years. The hype about AI for data science in industry is way overblown.


EnzoTrent t1_j719xal wrote

I'm aware it is a set of principles.

I keep having the same conversations - its like your talking about the 2022 pre-season to me right now in February, right before the Super Bowl. I'm having a hard time with where everyone seems to be at.

I'm sick of explaining things, so I'll assume your fairly familiar with Data Science.

An AI is going to do the cherry picking of our lives now - not a human being, or even an algorithm, a new thing.

Do you believe it is going to look at our data like a human would?

Do you not understand the immensity of what that means for Data Science?

So much new data is about collected out of the same world we collect data in now AND all of the data we collect now is about to be completely re-analyzed - that will also generate new data. All of this new data generated by the AI will then be managed by the AI - people won't be making sense of how they see the world fast enough to keep up, or at all.

The way all of that data is then cross tabulated and that data cross tabulated - How long do you think human beings are going to be able to understand what is happening? The Data won't look anything like data we see now but will be far more accurate.

What if it pulls something like the Meta AI and says - "oh I see how you structure data - I'm going to do it like this" the Meta AI created a further breakdown of time to meet its ends easier - how much harder do you think that made it for any human that now has to account for a new unit of time? I'm assuming its actually something Meta devs deal very little with - which is my point but I really do want to stress that we do not understand something that can adopt a new subsect of time on a whim.

What will AI code that only AI will ever interact look like? There is no reason to assume that it looks anything like what we would do.

I'm trying to put perspective on the scale and speed. I'm still hung up that you called this hype.