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red-necked_crake t1_j7exuvy wrote

not to mention being a company that is willing to put out huge ass models AND training logs which is infinitely more useful to our community than three vague blogposts and 1000 retweets by ex web3 grifters on twitter claiming GPT-4 will quite literally have 100 trillion parameters and worshipping Sam Altman as God LOL.

People keep claiming that others dismiss engineering effort that went into ChatGPT, GPT3, and turn a blind eye to relative opaqueness on techniques and tricks that went into making these models happen (not even a dataset available). Other than showing a proof of concept (which is SIGNIFICANT but not sufficient for SCIENCE), how exactly do we, as a community of ML, benefit from OpenAI getting all the hype and Satya's money? (Whisper is a weird counterpoint to my arguments though.)