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Dr_Love2-14 t1_j7lxp7k wrote

Leader in the space?... It is starting to irk me to see so many articles and discussions about this "AI war" between OpenAI and Google and their respective chatbots. OpenAI's main chatbot is GPT3, Google has LaMDA among many others. One thing for sure, they are both large and perform differently depending on the metric used.

Companies such as Facebook, Google, NVIDA, and Chinese ones like Baidu, ect. all heavily invest in AI research. The contribution of these research scientists nation and worldwide are all noteworthy and build on eachother. Google employs far more research scientists than OpenAI, and the volume of ML publications and impact factor of these publications altogether is therefore greater. Deepmind, an AI research subsidiary of Google, has been a leader in AI research and deep learning for many years.

but to directly answer your question, and for what it's worth, I would say NASA is the leader in space. Honestly your question is vague and poorly defined and you shouldn't equate chatbots to their companies.


wonderingandthinking OP t1_j7pbiy7 wrote

Purposefully vaguely defined so that I increase the chances of getting an answer like this. Thanks for the info. And don’t underestimate or undervalue something that appears not well thought out or developed.


ElectroNight t1_j7poggj wrote

Meh, size of research team does not strongly correlate outcome quality and innovation. Furthermore bulky teams can reinforce momentum on a certain approach that turns into a dead end long term. Meanwhile small teams elsewhere start from a completely orthogonal approach and sometimes truly innovate. I'm not convinced Google has the right approach for the long term, organizationally or technically. Not saying ChatGPT is a Google killer either, yet.