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medwatt OP t1_j8yxl3j wrote

I'm neither a mathematician nor a computer scientist by trade. I don't have the need nor the time to go through the nitty gritty details of optimization theory. All I need is an overview of the main ideas in this field. Think of it like knowing how to use a limit without the need to go through the epsilon-delta definition. Hope my reply didn't offend your ego.


TeamRocketsSecretary t1_j8z7pqs wrote

Given your reply I’m unsure of why you would want be able to follow the proofs then?

Some of the proofs in optimization are particularly rough so if you want to understand them the only way to is to wade through a book or the very least online lecture videos + slides.


Ulfgardleo t1_j92cwoy wrote

optimisation is a the worst field to skip the nitty gritty details. Optimisation is all about details.


your question is unspecified. "optimisation" in ML is a very different beast than optimisation in the math sense.