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suflaj t1_j919wen wrote

Reply to comment by dojoteef in [D] Please stop by [deleted]

This is also a pretty low quality post. Although the gist of it makes sense,

> and no one with working brain will design an ai that is self aware

made the author lose pretty much any credibility. Followed by

> use common sense

make me think OP is actually hypocritical. For some the common sense IS that ChatGPT is sentient.

Whether you design a self-aware AI is not only out of one's control, but self-awareness is not really well-defined by itself. The only reason at this point we do not call ChatGPT self-aware is the AI effect, we need to invent new prerequisites otherwise. The discussions whether it is sentient, why or why not, is an interesting topic regardless of your level of expertise - but we can create a pinned thread for that, similarly to how we have Simple Questions for the exact same purpose of preventing flooding.

Be as it be, I do not believe mods should act aggressively on posts like this and that one. ML is not an exact science for a long time now. Downvote and move on, that's the only thing a redditor does anyways, and the only way you can abide by rule 1, since the alternative is excluding laymen. Ironically, if we did that, OP, as a layman himself, would be excluded.


[deleted] OP t1_j91c7ry wrote



suflaj t1_j91rcef wrote

I mean, the solution to this is already being used, if you want to stop the flood of similar threads, then you just create a pinned megathread.