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Demortus t1_j94q9zd wrote

Running Linux on your desktop/laptop makes it significantly easier to run projects on the cloud. Namely, you will be familiar with all dependencies needed to run your project and how to install them online. Moreover, you will not need to make many, if any changes, to your scripts to get them to work.


Mefaso t1_j95hjkm wrote

>Running Linux on your desktop/laptop makes it significantly easier to run projects on the cloud

Just as a note, this can easily be done in a docker consider on windows as well.


Lifaux t1_j9572rl wrote

Alternatively, you can always use WSL2 if you don't want to dual boot.


I_will_delete_myself OP t1_j94qohm wrote

I agree. It also helps with deploying an API for you model. Also systemMD is useful to keep things running is the server gets reset for whatever reason.