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polymorphicprism t1_j9f0wm2 wrote

Because what exists now is akin to an artificial stream of music. They can program guidelines for beats per minute. They can tell it to favor mimicking happy songs or songs people reported liking. It is a flaw of the listener to assume the jukebox is sentient or that it wants to accomplish its own goals. There's nothing to fool. Everybody who is working on this understands this (except the Google guy that lost perspective and got himself fired).


WarAndGeese t1_j9f40t7 wrote

If that's all it is then fair enough. I thought their long term threat model was for when we do eventually create sentient life.

If they were just sticking to things like language models and trying to align those, then their efforts could be aimed more at demilitarization, or for transparency in the corporate structure itself for corporations who would be creating and applying these language models. Because the AGIs that those groups create will be according to their own requirements. For example any military creating an AGI will forgo that sort of pro-human alignment. Hence efforts would have to be aimed at the hierarchies of the organisations who are likely to use AGIs in harmful ways, and not just at the transformer models. If that's just a task for a separate group though then I guess fair enough.