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pbbb1256 t1_jdsxk6c wrote

Have you been to the Osher Map library at USM? I think that’s a thing


OurWhoresAreClean OP t1_jdt4p4b wrote

I have, and it's incredible. they have something like a gift shop that sells prints of maps from their collection? I haven't been there since I was a student 20 years ago, but back then at least there was nothing like that.


SnooCats7847 t1_jdu46o3 wrote

They give out free posters in front of the map library. There is usually an empty table with free stuff past five in the library. But if you want something nice looking, ll bean has some cool maps in their home goods store. Not a fan of ll bean but w/e


OurWhoresAreClean OP t1_jdv4wmp wrote

>They give out free posters in front of the map library.

I had no idea, thanks for letting me know!