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TheMrGUnit t1_jdkm0x1 wrote

I was just out. The sky is mostly clear, but there are some high wispy clouds that seem too far south (straight overhead) to be aurora based on how I interpret the NOAA maps.

I don't see anything that looks very aurora-y right now (10PM), but my view to the north isn't great.

If you're in the northern half of the state and have a good view to the northern horizon, you may have something to see.


Admiralfox t1_jdkr6o4 wrote

Just got back from viewing at the Causeway on Long Lake, same results


Earthling1a t1_jdksh0j wrote

10:48PM, Skowhegan area. Just took a look outside - clear skies to the N, but no roarers. Will check again in an hour or so.


ThisOriginalSource OP t1_jdkbgjd wrote

Here’s the NOAA Space Weather report for anyone interested in keeping an eye beyond the sky.


Admiralfox t1_jdkczoq wrote

I'm too stupid to read this map what time would be best to keep a watch?


ThisOriginalSource OP t1_jdkfbal wrote

It’s all good. The times are given in UTC, and EDT is 4hr behind that. Peak looks to be 2am UTC, which is 10pm EDT. Anytime between 9-12 tonight should be good. Just look north!


No-Masterpiece-7577 t1_jdkgaki wrote

That’s just a forecast, doesn’t correlate to any of the real-time data or conditions. Low wind speeds and fairly sustained positive Bz currently


ThisOriginalSource OP t1_jdkihy5 wrote

Very true, real time observations will vary. Conditions are good for viewing in our area, though not as good as last night with KP index at 5-7.


mainlydank t1_jdm7qox wrote

You are a day late and a dollar short. KP index was almost 8 the day before, versus 5-6 last night, However it was mostly cloudy the night before.


ThisOriginalSource OP t1_jdmdkbf wrote

I had high hopes that they’d trickle down into Maine. I was up looking for them the night before but the coast was pea soup at midnight.


mainlydank t1_jdmehb6 wrote

When I first got the notification on my phone on Thursday I checked our forecast for cloud coverage and it showed near 100%. Then I proceeded to check everywhere within 4 hours drive, ready to get in the car and go for it. Nada, showed fully cloudy everywhere.

Few hours go by, and an extended family member posted a great picture of them up in Palmyra, just an hour away. I was pretty butt hurt.


ThisOriginalSource OP t1_jdmgmxk wrote

You were much more committed than I was! Don’t think I’d make it 4hrs anywhere beside my bed that late at night. Ended up seeing a lot of fantastic pictures on here and IG, so at least some Mainers got to enjoy it!

My hope was that I could walk on my deck and look north to see the auroras. The reality is I played with my flashlights in the fog for 10m then went back to bed. Still had fun!


mainlydank t1_jdmhyyh wrote

I been trying to see these for about 30 years. At this point I've considered taking a trip to Alaska, Northern Canada or Iceland.

Edit: Tell me more about these flashlights. Are you on /r/flashlight too?


ThisOriginalSource OP t1_jdoj9t7 wrote

It must be pretty magical to see the auroras in all their glory. I saw them as a green and purple hue to the horizon in 2012 in CA, peaked my interest from then on. So much going on out there in space, our magnetosphere, and atmosphere; just look up.

Yea I am on r/flashlight! Great little community that gets super stoked on illumination. I purchased the Sofrin SP40 and BLF SP36 via recommendations on there, great lights. The next one I get will be an LEP thrower, some will do 1000yrds+. Remember seeing growers use LEP fixtures back in the day for vegetative growth, pretty cool to have that power in your hands!


mainlydank t1_jdoshdw wrote

Awesome. Funny I got the SP36 first, then shortly after got the IF25a and use it way more. They are great, I am still slightly bitter at Sofirn though, they sent me a message here on reddit a few years ago asking if I wanted free lights in exchange for reviews online. I know tons of companies do this, but it still strikes me wrong.

Convoy are awesome and don't do any of that shady shit, but no sweet firmware and gotta order from China mostly, so slow shipping.


JimBones31 t1_jdkoscb wrote

Damn, I wish I was home. I'm in NY Harbor tonight and would love to see some Aurora


lolkoala67 t1_jdkn4vt wrote

Anything visible in Portland I wonder? Probably not with all the light pollution here :(


TheMrGUnit t1_jdly0dw wrote

You need pretty dark skies to see auroras. Portland is way too bright unless it's a massive, massive solar storm.

Portland is too bright for viewing even moderately bright sky objects.