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BFeely1 OP t1_jauvpjg wrote

I would say worse, because now he's almost suggesting it's fine to grab that line that is bound to come down in tomorrow's storm.


BackItUpWithLinks t1_jav12zt wrote

> I would say worse, because now he's almost suggesting it's fine to grab that line

That’s about the dumbest take I’ve ever read on Reddit.

No, it says nothing like that.


RAP1958 t1_javffmz wrote

Watched that ad many times. Did not get that we should grab power lines. I did hear "No line is safe to touch ever".


DidDunMegasploded t1_jaw1iu9 wrote

Almost feels like OP was born and grew up after those ads died out and is completely unaware that "no line is safe to touch, evah" is Jim Wright's iconic catchphrase that a lot of Mainers who were born before OP remember.

Would explain their stupidity.


ecco-domenica t1_jav4iyf wrote

I just donated to Pine Tree Power. It is sad to see a beloved icon shilling for Avangrid and using his power for ill, not good. But you've got this ass backwards. Let it go.


gregra193 t1_jauw5l2 wrote

I kinda get your point, but the ad repeating twice “no line is safe to touch, evah 👉” is hopefully still a reminder about not touching real life downed wires.


BFeely1 OP t1_jauw87a wrote

Except he's comparing it to voting for Pine Tree Power. You're not going to be cooked from the inside out by taking a marker to that little circle on the ballot that says yes, but mess with a downed line, and you know, ...

I say he crossed a line.


Super-Lychee8852 t1_jauwlh7 wrote

How are you getting that at all? He's just a well known local personality using his catch phrase.

You're really reaching


l3ubba t1_javw9fh wrote

It’s just an analogy, he isn’t suggesting people go touch downed lines. His ad is saying, both literally and figuratively, that we shouldn’t mess with power lines.

If someone is stupid enough to watch that ad and think “wow, he is saying I should go touch downed power lines” then Darwin was going to get them one way or another.