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thenamewastaken t1_jcm36s0 wrote

Sometimes mothers find out after the 24 week mark that the baby has issues incompatible with life. So if you get that horrible news, in this state it's either try to carry the pregnancy to term (maybe risking your own health) or travel to another state at great expense. Changing the law allows for Maine doctor's and the mother to make the best choice.


Rredheadbedhead t1_jcm7icv wrote

One of my good friends found out that their baby had suffered a serious issue and was no longer going to live at just past 4 months. She was heartbroken- had a name picked out, working on a nursery, planning a shower. She had to have an abortion despite the baby being very much wanted because it was not capable of living outside of the womb. It was incredibly tough for her- I cannot imagine how much harder it would be if she had to wait to actually deliver or wait for the fetus to start making her seriously ill before getting medical health. I feel like people who oppose late term abortion do not understand much about how pregnancy works.


Majestic-Feedback541 t1_jcmll4w wrote

Then expanding it to include medically necessary reasons (a child not surviving pregnancy, birth, or incapable of living long, or even a lifelong debilitating issue would totally be included) would be good thing.


thenamewastaken t1_jcmzhs2 wrote

Yup, I gotta say I'm sorry you're being down voted. It seems like you asked a real question. I just want to say thank you for really asking.