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Notmystationbro t1_jbbn09h wrote

Just load up on nips in Maine and mix the drink yourself 🤷‍♂️


z-eldapin t1_jbbp05b wrote

It's like traveling from NH to Maine.

Cross the border, use seat belt. Cross back, remove seat belt.


Guygan t1_jbbtuhk wrote

I guess “Live Free or Die” doesn’t apply on trains??


mjfeeney t1_jbbzle2 wrote

I just heard on the radio that alcohol will still flow. Thev rule has been temporarily suspended until the licensing issue can be straightened out.


blainemoore t1_jbc6mmc wrote

Can't sell booze that wasn't bought in NH; if you get it while still in Maine or Mass you can still drink it. It won't affect passengers; it'll be the company that Amtrak has outsourced the beverage sales to.

I think they are planning to start enforcing it at the end of the month, from what I read earlier.